Easy Information

Easy information or Plain English?A complex form and an easy form

At Easy and Clear, we do more than just take away jargon and long sentences.

Combining an inclusive tone of voice with clear content, we produce easy information that is both accurate and accessible.

From adult social care and mental health booklets, through to consultations and health information leaflets, our expert approach to writing and editing means we create materials that are useful and relevant to the person reading them.

It’s not what you want to tell someone, it’s what the person needs to know!

Removing barriers to information is one of the most important actions an organisation, business or charity can do. At Easy and Clear we work through documents in a systematic way, pulling out the key messages and reducing content. We advise our clients to step back from the content and ask them what does your audience need rather than what do you want to tell them?

Why produce easy information?

Easy read is a specific format for people with learning disabilities. But there are lots of other people who also need easy access to important information.

Easy information documents work well for people with

  1. Learning difficulties like dyslexia, dyspraxia and aphasia.
  2. Neurodivergent conditions like ADHD and ASD.
  3. Mental health conditions.
  4. Poor concentration and brain injury.
  5. Language needs – for example, when English is a second or third language.
  6. Low literacy or poor access to social learning.
  7. Older people and anyone with a dementia-related condition.

Easy information contains inclusive and clear content – placing the key messages at the forefront of the document.

Easy information can include documents, leaflets or pages that have been edited to make them more inclusive and literally easier to read!

Easy information does not require images next to each block of text. This allows for a more flexible layout and structure.